You've been here a long time. You realize that any time we inject ourselves into the game, we are looking for trouble.
No matter what age, you - as the umpire, have no authority to do anything about it. Not only that, but it is just bad form. A lot of our younger members and guests think of umpires as police officers. We really aren't...we are like the broadcasters. We see something happen and then tell the world what we saw. It really is that simple.
I work a higher level of ball and see teams that have assitant coaches and pine riders who do nothing but try to steal the other teams signs. While they do gain an advantage by knowing about a pitch out or a steal, the are gaining thatadvantage through skill and guile. Is it any different from a defensive coach signalling a pitch out because he figured out the offensive coach's steal sign?
We certainly won't jump into that mess, no matter the age.
Your answers here have usually been well spoken and pretty solid. I'm concerned that you might be trying to "right a wrong" or protect the integrity of the game. Both are admirable but misplaced with this mechanic. The best advice I can offer is to admire good play and skill. The kid that is stealing the sign is just a little smarter than his competition - fair or not.