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Old Thu Jul 22, 2004, 08:38am
OldCoachNewRef OldCoachNewRef is offline
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Brandan I don't think you made an A*% of yourself at all and I don't think the coaches and the other official thought that either. I am in my first year also and have blown an inadvertant whistle twice in the past year, once with the exact same situation you had and another time on an outlet pass when the rebounder had established the pivot, picked it up and tweet I blew the whistle and didn't wait to see if the pivot was placed back on the ground. I was anticipating the travel instead of actually seeing it. On both calls all I did was say inadvertant whistle, talked to my partner to explain and continued on with the game. Neither time did the coaches complain, but both times asked what happened on the next dead ball (both were Freshman games) and were satisfied with my response. Everyone makes mistakes and most coaches know that.
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