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Old Wed Jul 14, 2004, 08:51am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by isneths
From the travelling circuit...

Had a fellow ump bring up this sitch:

R1 @ 3rd, B1 squares up to bunt to squeeze R1 home. As B1 attempts to bunt, F2 (C) gloves the bat, causing catcher's interference. Ump's interp: Apply BOTH catcher's interference [B1 gets first base] and a balk to pitcher [R1 gets home].

Talked to my assignor about the same play, he says only one or the other - not both - can be applied (something about giving the offensive team what they deserve).

Who's right?
From 6.08: If the catcher (or any fielder) interferes with the batter, the batter is awarded first base. If, on such interference a runner is trying to score by a steal or squeeze from third base, the ball is dead and the runner on third scores and batter is awarded first base.

The "balk" issue (as listed in 7.07 -- and some sources say to ignore this rule -- it's an error) only comes into play with R2, R3 and R2 doesn't try to advance on the squeeze / steal.

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