Tue Jul 06, 2004, 07:08pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Edinburg, TX
Posts: 1,212
Originally posted by GarthB
My, but you're getting cranky in your old age.
Why would I complain to Referee? I didn't complain to you. There is, as most former educators of English are aware, a difference in taking note and complaining.
I would have to care about the success or Officiating.com or your accuracy to complain. I don't.
As for your lame attempt at a Dewey Wins comparison, did you notice the date on the press release of when the action was actually taken? Two weeks ago, Carl. Those of us who were notified and discussed the rule changes were not acting out of rumor or speculation. We had the real information, two weeks before you were notified.
No need to get you panties in a knot, Carl. If it's important to you to amaze folks with your new found fact that the internet is faster than publishing on paper, feel free to gloat.
But I'll bet Referee doesn't have to dredge up two year old columns to fill space.
Mr. Benham:
We "filled space" with a specific column written to helpo with summer problems. In the 5 years of Officiating.com, that is the only "Instant Replay" that made it to the front page again.
BTW: When ever the press release was written, it was not released until today. [/B][/QUOTE]
Just frosts you to be wrong, don't it?
My, my: Selective quoting again.
I've followed your "career" as a pretend calming influence in the windy ways of our Forum.
You're a fake, Garth Benham. There's not ten cents of substantive difference between you and the McGriffers.
You tell me it just "frosts" me to be wrong. Nobody like to be wrong, of course -- as you no doubt know from your own history. But I challenged you to post an email from the FED with an earlier date than ours. You replied to my post, but carefully left that challenge out. So as yet, I don't know where I'm proved wrong.
Lah, me, dearie. (I say that because you seem obsessed with a guy wearing panties. Sorry, not my cup of tea.)