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Old Tue Jul 06, 2004, 06:10pm
DownTownTonyBrown DownTownTonyBrown is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Idaho
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Thumbs down Toss childish adults.

I vote for tossing but I also know how that can create some new problems unless you are ready to forfeit the game for the other team.

Another tactic you might try is to join them.

What!? Join them!

Yeh. Bleeding heart right along with them. They think it was bad call, agree with them. Blabber right along with them. Tell them about the worst calls you've made. Maybe you get a real kick out of making bad calls. I've got worse calls... wait till you get up. Oooh baby! I'm saving some hot ones for you.

In an adult rec league, I would be ready to forfeit in a heartbeart.
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford
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