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Old Tue Jul 06, 2004, 08:38am
David B David B is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 1,772
That's what is wrong with baseball

This time of year we hear this story repeated 100's of times.

Its a shame.

But this is what baseball has become. Thank goodness I live in an area where all of our league require umpires to be certified in which ever league and most all of the tournaments are called by guys who I know have years of experience etc.,

But as long as we have coaches and parents running umpires off and then we have too many leagues who don't want to pay their umpires what they are worth, it will continue to spiral downward.

I know in our local leagues we have a hard time finding young umpires to train - they simply won't stick with it due to too many problems (ie parents/coaches)

It's going to be sad in a few years to see what umpiring has become since most of the veterans in our areas are looking at giving it up in the next few years. (I'm sure this is the same all over the different regions)
