I did talk to the area commissioner today. He said that at the district level, the league president could get whoever they wanted (read: major home field advantage). Once it gets to the Area level, he assigns umpires himself. I have an Area tournament that starts Friday. Problem we have is that there aren't that many certified Babe Ruth umpires in northwest Tennessee. There are lots of certified high school guys, but most of them have the big head and won't do baseball for less than high school pay ($55/game).
Next time we host a tournament, we should get a couple of the players' parents to call the game and have them wear team colors while doing it. Or get the guy that called a few (a VERY few) games here this year that just KNEW a batted ball was foul when it hit home plate "because one of the coaches told me so." Or the guy that smoked while in the field. Or the guy that wore NO plate gear except a mask.