Originally posted by KentuckyBlue
My principles are that a player can express disagreement with my calls one time without penalty after all, we are all Americans and we didnt lose the right to have and express opinions just because we stepped on a playing field. Express the opinion twice and Ill warn you. Express it three times, OR say anything personal about me, my mother or the other players and youre immediately gone.
So all things considered, I decided that, however irritating the catchers constant comments got, I would honor my principles and not toss him unless and until he said something personal.
He never stopped his tirade about my calls, he never said anything personal,....
Kentucky Blue,
I am a little confused.
Catcher's verbal and constant displeasure did not make the game better for anyone.
You showed more patience than I would have shown based on your principles.
Did you mean complain and being personal?