If whatever the fielder is doing causes the runner to slow down, deviate from the chosen path, or get blocked from the bag while using the path the runner has chosen it is obstruction, folks.
If whatever the fielder is doing causes the runner to slow down, deviate from the chosen path, or get blocked from the bag while using the path the runner has chosen it is obstruction, folks.
If whatever the fielder is doing causes the runner to slow down, deviate from the chosen path, or get blocked from the bag while using the path the runner has chosen it is obstruction, folks.
But #5 above is what is most difficult about the possession aspect of the ASA rule. The fielder, in ths case F2, is in the same position as when having possession and legally blocking, but then is illegally obstructing because of dropping the ball.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.