ESL possibility
Like Garth, I would pay to see that point/counterpoint. If only to use it as a primer for "English as a Second Language" classes.
Wobster may have a point, but it would be very difficult to instruct officials on when to eject contestants - note: not fans. Each of us has a trigger point and depending on the level of play and how bad you may have kicked the call, you will have to adjust. It seems apparent that many of our LL brethren have zero tolerance policies. If your league will back you, this is a good administrative tool. However, at High School Playoff level and above, you have to expect arguments and confrontations. How they AND YOU, behave will have a tremendous bearing on the result. I've seen umpires cause ejections and I've learned a lot from umpires that allowed let things get too out of hand. Find your comfort level.
Since I'm married and have children, I learned a long time ago that I may be right, but I may not be able to convince those around me. Pick your battles and remember that the video camera is always watching.
[Edited by WindyCityBlue on Jun 24th, 2004 at 09:30 AM]