Originally posted by His High Holiness
Originally posted by JRutledge
No, your critics just think it is the dumbest thing they have ever heard. For one if you understand anything about business, it is not our job to answer any questions and to have them walk away happy. That is not our job. Our job is to run the game. Call the game by the rules. Use common sense. And if we can not interfere in the game. That is the reason the "give the customer what he wants" does not apply to umpiring or any officiating for that matter.
It is generally a waste of time to argue with Rut so I am replying for the rest of you. The first problem in replying to Rut is interpreting his mangled grammar. Tell me, what does this sentence mean:
Rut wrote "And if we can not interfere in the game." He wrote it as a complete sentence. It makes no sense at all. What's new?
Unfortunately, we must take into account the customer's wishes or he will go somewhere else. My association has driven the other associations in our area out of business. In spite of the fact that we charge MORE than anyone else, the customer chooses us because we take care of the customer. It does you no good to be the best umpire in the world if no one will hire you.
It is a truism of business everywhere. The man who pays the bills makes the rules. Unless you want to live in a communist country, you will have to get use to it. Only sports officials are arrogant enough to believe that marketplace rules don't apply to them. Recognizing this fact, we have put our competition out of business and made more money for ourselves in the process.
Thank God our competition thinks like Rut.
I think this is the perfect subject for you and Mr. Rutledge to write "point/counterpoint" articles for officiating.com. I would almost be willing to pay to read them.
It would certainly be more entertaining than the standard fare appearing there today.