Originally posted by His High Holiness
Originally posted by WindyCityBlue
I can assure you that you do not call what the coaches want at the major college conference level (D1). We do not pick which rules we will enforce, since many of us are evaluated at most every game. My crew chief has worked two Super Regionals and drives home the need to enforce everything by the book.
Summer league is horrible about all of this kind of stuff.
High School at least in the south is completely under the guidance of the State HSAA.
They make all determination about rules that might be changed, modified etc., and they also are in charge of all testing and assignments.
In our local association, we have an assignor who is directly responsible to the state office.
He has complete control over who umpires which game. Each coach gets a sctratch list of three umpires and they TRY to go with it.
Playoffs are completely assigned by the local assignor, but the state makes the determination over which local association gets to do the games.
Summer leagues, who knows. Even in all of the select ball which is getting bigger and bigger, every time I go to a tournament, they have their own little rules they want to go by.
Hey, its their tournament, I'll call it however they want.