lessons learned
wobster, you have learned a valuable lesson from this experience. Good - move on. FWIW - I learned this lesson in almost the exact same way as you.
Those that castigate HHH for his attitude about calling what the coaches want, let me offer this...I am a young official who's dream is to call a NCAA Div 1 conference ball game. I am being evaluated for movement into the upper levels of our association, including AAA American Legion. If all goes well I should have a crack at Ju-Co ball within the next year. I have been told by our NCAA, NAIA, and Ju-Co umpires "your mechanics and rules knowledge are great. You need to work on your philosophy and understanding the game." This comment is ALWAYS followed by, "you have to learn to call what the coaches want." For instance, allow the neighborhood tag at second (a la Papa C) and the jump turn pick-off move, call FED rules at a legion game - but NEVER, EVER compromise safety.
Alan Roper
Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here - CPT John Parker, April 19, 1775, Lexington, Mass