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Old Mon Jun 21, 2004, 07:48pm
WindyCityBlue WindyCityBlue is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554
It seems like we are confusing set position with "coming set".

All of the answers are good, but to clarify - from the set position, he cannot step forward first with the foot that is engaged with the pitching plate.

If he does, it is a balk because he failed to deliver a pitch after having engaged the pitching plate and then stepping forward.

All balks are "technical" in nature. I still hear guys saying, "Balk, he stepped off with the wrong foot." No, he stepped off with the correct foot, he just didn't deliver a pitch. Sorry for being so "technical".

Balks are easy calls, if it fooled you - call it. We penalize those who cheat are stupid. most of the time they are both.
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