Originally posted by WindyCityBlue
To Jurassic Ump: Recruiting and retention is what association do. If you have never sat on a Board and had the responsibility of procuring new officials because more schools want your group, then you wouldn't understand. UMPS is the biggest, oldest and most accomplished umpires group in Illinois. Our reputation for producing the best involves turning over every stone looking for the next diamond. It also involves reminding others of why we have a better product. If that disturbs you, then you shouldn't watch TV for the next few months. The election will probably kill you.
Well, WBC, I just mighta had a little experience in recruiting, training, assigning, retention, etc. in other sports over the years. Not that anyone here basically gives a sh*t anyway. It certainly doesn't make my opinion of any greater validity or any less valid than anybody else that posts here. However, I still would never dream of trying to push my own association while I was simultaneously flaming or denigrating other associations. Or members of those other associations either. I just personally find it very unprofessional for any official in any sport to run down other officials' groups, especially competing ones. We get enough crap from coaches and fans without having to worry about turning our back on one of our so-called "own".
All I gave you was my opinion. Obviously you don't agree with it. And equally obviously "professionalism" isn't really a concern of yours either. That's fine. I'm certainly not representing my opinion as actually being "fact". I was kinda wondering why you are so adamantly representing YOUR opinion as being fact though. I think that I got my answer. Carry on with what you were doing. I won't bother you again.