Originally posted by mcrowder
On another board, I've made a nuisance of myself
Well, that's one word for it!
Originally posted by mcrowder
I won't post my opinion until I hear some of yours.
Too late for that; I participate over there, too.
OK, enough of the poking...
The sitch was originally posted as LL, but speaking ASA (since I don't do LL & have no idea if the ruling is the same)...
When the pitcher made the play on the runner, the runners were released. Any direction the runner begins to move while released is not a "commitment" under the LBR.
Because the LBR is not in effect.
The pitcher turning back toward the batter re-instates the LBR.
Once the LBR is in effect, any runner in motion is allowed one stop.
This situation was not a look-back violation.
The only reason I did not jump into the thread on eteamz is I was away from the board for a couple of days, the thread had already gone off the rails by the time I read it, and it was posted as LL-specific.
OK, that's three reasons - so sue me!