Originally posted by Jimgolf
Avoid unnecessary signals, like signalling a basket is worth two points or that a shot block was not a foul (Is this what you mean by the foul tip signal, Mick?), or signalling that the five second count is off.
If you are giving the proper signals for violations and fouls, there should be no need for signalling that there was no foul or violation.
That depends on where you live and who you work for. Not to say that you should use a bunch of "non-NF" signals. But I know that it is very acceptable to signal a close 3 point shot as just two points. Because with many folks around me, they would rather have you do that, then have the table buzzing you later to figure out what a shot was after 4 trips down the floor. The NF or NCAA sets guidelines, but it is up to the assignors or clinicians to dictate what is ultimately acceptable. The kick signal was acceptable for years, then the NF made it official. Maybe some of these signals will be made available to use in the future.