Originally posted by JRutledge
I happen to spend the summer in Louisiana in Joe Dumar's home town (where Steel Magnolias was made). I befriended Joe's nephew that summer, he was dating at the time a girl that was the daughter of a women who my mother was working with during her sabbatical. Dumars that year one the MVP and his father was very sick and died the next year, when they won again. I will never forget that year, it was a special time.
Joe Dumars was a class act with those particular teams, Jeff. And a very under-rated player, I thought. He still is a class act. However, to quite a few people outside Michigan, those "Bad Boy" teams turned them off of the NBA game for years. I'm one of those people. The present champions don't have that same stigma, thank goodness. You certainly have to admire how hard they play, and also how well that they play together. Not that they're really entertaining to watch though. They are boooooring. But "Boring" sure beat the hell out of "Showtime", didn't it?

The only complaint I have is the MVP though. Ben Wallace is the engine that makes the team run,imo. I love his game.
Congratulations, Pistons! Best team won. The Lakers' dynasty is over. And I think that the Kobe vs. Michael debate may have ended with it too.