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Old Mon Jun 14, 2004, 03:12pm
TexBlue TexBlue is offline
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Originally posted by Bandit
...... And one more thing Mr Tournament director their pitcher was never "presenting" the ball. (I'm still looking for that in the book) .......
I've had that claim twice this year. The first time, I just explained there was no rule in the book for that, it was just a term used in SP. The other time, I called an IP on a pitcher. The asst coach comes out and tells me that as long as she presents the ball, she can step anywhere she wants to. I explained to him that there is no such rule, he can trust me on this one. Then he made a fatal error. He told me if (another umpire who is know as the rule meister of softbll) was here, he'd straighten me out quick and I needed to learn the rules. Now, he just blew it. For one, he just threw another umpire up in my face, one who isn't even on my field with me. Also, as an aside, it is really debatable if Dan knows the rules better, or me, or if it's a tie. I'm going for the tie. Second, he just told me to learn the rules. After about 3 seconds of silence according to others, (I personally thought it was a full minute) I let him know he need never bring up another umpire on my field again, and he needed to drop the presenting thing, unless he wanted to protest. The head coach stepped in and said he'd handle it. I've known this guy for about 3 years and he knows me. He did. My partner told my my face mask was up on my shoulder, which for some reason, it always appears there before something really ugly happens to coaches. Don't know why, it just does. I don't plan it, don't even know it's there. But the head coach saw it and stepped in and saved his asst coach.

Presenting the ball? Gimme a break!
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