Originally posted by Dakota
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Originally posted by Ed Maeder
We can fit two Texas's in our state. That would be the biggest state.
Two? Why would you want two of what many don't want one?
Besides, all that hot air would melt the tundra!
Keep this up guys and I'm gonna get a complex. Maybe even start thinking you really don't appreciate the majesty of the great state of Texas. Which, by the way was the only nation to recognize the truly greatness of America and decided to let ya'll join us. Heck, we even let ya'll keep your name, The United States of America! Now, Ed, it was at least another 100 years before we bought you, but that's OK, we needed your oil, it just took that long before we knew what oil was.
Ya, know, I'm not real sure about that "2 of Texas thing" thing either. Would ya mind giving me a few numbers on that? I don't mind getting a little geography lesson today.
[Edited by TexBlue on Jun 10th, 2004 at 05:33 PM]