Thread: Taking Signs
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Old Wed Jun 09, 2004, 08:09am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by jumpmaster
Originally posted by GarthB
Originally posted by LDUB
Yes I know FED is not delayed, also FED has a clear penalty, a balk/illegal pitch. But under OBR, what should I do if a pitcher continously does this. I tell him to stop, but he continues, do I call a balk, or warn then eject, or just do nothing?
Since it isn't a balk, it would best not to call one. Stick by the rules.
So what do you do when a coach is repeatedly complaining about a pitcher taking signs off the rubber? OBR clearly states this is a "don't do that". My solution, "Coach, your pitcher must take signs while engaging the rubber. Have him fix this. I really don't want to send him home early for this."

1) Tell the coah the rule says the pitcher shall take signs from the catcher while on the rubber. It doesnt' say "all signs" nor does it say "shall not take signs while off the rubber." Tell the coach that the pitcher *is* taking signs while on the rubber.

2) Explain that the purpose of the rule is to "enforce" the natural rhythm of the game -- pitcher takes rubber, runner gets a little lead, pitcher goes set, runner gets a bigger lead. As long as this is happening, the intent of the rule is satisfied.

3) Quietly tell the catcher to not give the signs until the batter is ready and F1 is on the rubber. Prompt him several times if needed -- "wait" "wait" "here we go"

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