Now everyone, ease up on Alaska...
The calling official is responsible for notifying the head coach of the fifth foul. Doesn't mean we need to get close and have a long lengthy conversation about the fifth foul. Just a "Coach, that's five" and then find the player to inform him/her.
Now it's still common sense that the calling official is going to wait for the sub. Personally, I'm nowhere close to the table while waiting, I'm probably in mid-court standing professionally waiting for the sub (like during a time out). If necessary, I'll inform the timer to track 30 secs., etc.
The reason that I'm not close to the table is so that if the coach wants to make a stink, he has to be pretty loud about it. I want everyone in the gym to know what the coach did to get a technical, if one is warranted.
Brian Johnson
[This message has been edited by PublicBJ (edited January 12, 2000).]