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Old Sat Jun 05, 2004, 10:46pm
Saltydog Saltydog is offline
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Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 55
At the 9-10 level (Minors) they cannot steal home. At the 11-12 level (Majors) it's just as you stated. In the Minors, the only way a kid gets home is batter advances to first with bases loaded, batter hits ball, or F2 either overthrows F1 or a play at second and the ball touches the outfield grass. My guess is the intent was to strike a balance between instruction and competition, ball control vs a circus vs ORB, and the situational awareness in a kid this age. Can it work 'by the book'? That's what I grew up with in Ohio playing LL. This League is not as competive, which seems to make it playable for more kids. They naturally filter out as they move up, and a layer of rules is removed and competition goes up.
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