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Old Sat Jun 05, 2004, 10:23pm
DG DG is offline
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Now we are mixing league rules with Cal Ripken Rules. If the league has a rule that you can't steal home then you can't. That is different from Cal Ripken rules that would require all runners to be in contact with their base at time of pitch. At TOP the picther has to be on the rubber, catcher in his box, and batter in his box. Two out of three is not enough, so if runner is playing games off 3B while batter is coming to the plate then fine. When batter gets in the box, he must go back to the base and be in contact at TOP.

How can a steal of home happen? The same was any base is stolen in Cal Ripken. Once the pitch reaches the plate, the runners can leave their base to steal the next base. Home is often stolen when a catcher, who is not paying any attention to the runner at 3B lazily returns a throw the pitcher after a pitch. The runner on 3B streaks for home. The pitcher is surprised and is not quick enough to return throw to the catcher in time and home is stolen. But you said your league does not allow a steal of home. Why, I don't know. What do you do on pass balls and wild pitches? Strictly speaking, these are not steals of home, but is the runner always required to stay at 3B?
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