Sat Jun 05, 2004, 09:22pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,643
I copied this from the softball board. I summed it up below to see if people would handle this differently in baseball as opposed to softball. Here is the link if you want to see the whole thread. http://www.officialforum.com/thread/13992
Originally posted by kellerumps
Happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I had a play at the plate where both defensive coaches disagreed with my call. Once time was granted, I had stereo coaches...One in each ear complaining. My partner(who was very young...The Misses was on another diamond) was standing out by 2nd base.
My question is this. If your partner gets double teamed by the coaches.....What do you do?
Doesn't matter if you think they kicked the call or don't like them for whatever reason.
Originally posted by LDUB
If two coaches are up in your face yelling at you, all you have to do is eject the assistant coach. That will get him out of there, then all you have to do is camly explain yourself to the manager.
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
You're kidding, right? The only way that coach is going to leave immediately after being ejected is if you turn the the manager and say, "Before anything else is discussed, that coach has got to be gone, and by the way, he's on the clock."
I don't suggest anyone put themselves in that situation, but like R1 forced at 2B, they aren't just going to go poof and disappear because you eject them.
They may quite down, or walk away an pout, but if you get to the point where you need to eject someone, I believe you should take care of that piece of business before moving on with the discussion.
Originally posted by LDUB
You're kidding, right? You allow assistant coaches to get up in you ear and argue a call with you? It is one thing when the manager is up in your ear yelling at you, he better watch what he says, because anyone who yells at me is close to getting tossed. But when assistant coach is up in my face yelling, I am getting rid of him right then.
And if neither one of the two guys who are in my face is the manager, then we might be having a doulbe ejection.