Why do we as officials ask our partners to mediate a problem that, in the coaches point of view, was started by the calling official..??? If that official called all 5 fouls on the player maybe there is a problem. The calling official reported the foul, should have informed the player & the coach and should have asked the timer for 30 seconds. Stand your ground at or near the scorers table, wait for the substitute and enforce the penalty if he is late. No eye contact with the coach is required, no conversation is needed concerning the 5th foul and it makes little sense to "switch" with your partner so that he may take whatever flak the coach is offering. Most coaches want an explanation, fair & simple. Your partner can only give him second hand information and makes you look like you don't want to 'talk' about it. Don't stand toe to toe or even face to face with the coach, Stand off to his, or her, side and briefly answer his question then get on about your business. Chances are pretty good that 30 seconds is over, the subs on the floor and everyone is ready to get busy.