We all understand what working the refs is - we don't think it is appropriate. If there is a pattern of something I don't like, such as a player who is pushing off regularly to get open or throwing football blacks on screens, I will say something. If you are saying a lot about a lot of no-calls or calls you don't like, you aren't coaching. Period.
When I listen to the parents behind me at games, I realize that most people don't know how a game should be called. Not all contact is a foul, not even all illegal contact merits calling a foul. There is a lot of illegal contact that goes un-called every game. That which favors our team, we ignore - its part of the game. That which faovrs the other team, that's something the refs missed, and we're getting hosed. Happens all the time.
I have been accused of getting all the calls because I am the home team, and I have had parents come up to me after the same game and say that the refs sucked. Hmmm. Bias on both sides seems to be the only explanation for how two teams could get jobbed by the refs in the same game.
And I read your list of obvious fouls, and that tells me you have a working knowledge but not a rulebook or referee's knowledge of how a game should be called. Most of your obvious calls aren't even listed as such in the rule or case book.
Flesh on flesh, not always a foul - did you know that?
Over the back, not a foul listed anywhere in the rules.
Lowering the shoulder, realy depends - it's a nice rule of thumb, but you have to see who did what where before making that call. Of course that's not what the announcers will say.
Hand on the back and impeding progress, that is technically a foul, but a lot of contact in the post goes un-called. You could have a whistle every possession if you wanted a strict rules interpretation call. Hand on the back impeding progress is clearly a very judgmental call - and you don't want a lot of pre-shot contact called in the post. You usually want to get the offensive scoring opportunity.
So if this is your list of obvious fouls, you have missed the boat on all of them, either partially or totally.