LaxRef wrote:
The rules say if there's a crease violation with possession outside the crease, it's a flag down.
See case 6.2 D: B1 has possession outside the crease and starts to clear the ball up the field. Attacker A1 runs through the crease while chasing B1. RULING: Flag down, slow whistle, technical foul. This cannot be a play-on since ball is not loose. Flag down allows the clearing team to complete a fast break.
This is supported by Rule 6-2.2: Any crease violation by an attacking player while the ball is in possession of the defensive team OUTSIDE the crease shall result in a flag down, slow whistle. (Note how a play-on is ONLY during a loose ball, with the only exceptions being (1) GK interference or (2) crease violation [each while the GK is in possession].). Rule 6-2.2 does NOT specify where the restart would be should the clear fail after a crease violation.
LaxRef wrote:
If there's a crease violation with no possession, it's a play-on and possession at the spot or 20 yards laterally from the goal.
See case 6.2 H: While ball is loose in crease, A2 interferes with the GK. RULING: Play-on. If GK fails to gain possession of the ball, ball is awarded to team B 20 yards lateral to the goal.
LaxRef wrote:
But it doesn't say where to put the ball in play if there's a crease violation with possession inside the crease (though it does say it's a play-on).
I agree. Rule 6-2.2 states: ...Any crease violation by an attacking player while the ball is in the crease shall result in a play-on. There is no case regarding the restart, nor is it detailed in the rules, nor do they differentiate between possession and loose ball goal crease violation restarts.
However, I have to believe crease violations follow the same format as GK interference:
GK interference while in the crease:
Loose ball: Play-on, or award ball lateral to goal.
GK possession: Play-on, or award ball at midfield.
Apply same logic to crease violation while GK is in the crease:
Loose ball: Flag down, or award ball lateral to goal.
GK possession: Flag down, or award ball at midfield.
MY QUESTION for the NCAA is what to do about crease violations while a DEFENDER, not a GK, is in the crease. Rule 6-2 deals with "GK this, GK that". How about if a defender is covering for a GK serving a foul, or is covering the crease while the GK is out of position? Then what? If they could make a list as I have done above, it would be helpful. (I understand that GK interference/pvivileges only apply to the designated GK, and not to a player covering for the GK. A defender and his crosse can be stick checked while in the crease.)