Originally posted by CoachRob
Rule 6-2.3 states GK interference when he has the ball is a play on. Cases 6-2 E and 6-2 I are closest to this scenario. I assume a crease violation, being less severe than GK interference, is a similar situation.
Therefore, I would rule a play on. It is essentially the ONLY time a play on is called when the offended team is in possession. All other times, during possession it is a flag down/slow whistle situation.
If the GK fails to run the ball out of the crease or fails to complete an outlet pass, give the ball to GK's team at center X.
The rules say if there's a crease violation with possession outside the crease, it's a flag down. If there's a crease violation with no possession, it's a play-on and possession at the spot or 20 yards laterally from the goal.
But it doesn't say where to put the ball in play if there's a crease violation with possession inside the crease (though it does say it's a play-on). I agree that a free clear makes sense since the clearing team already has possession, but the rules don't say that.
I've submitted this point to the NCAA rules committee.