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Old Tue Jun 01, 2004, 08:22pm
kellerumps kellerumps is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 298
We live in Illinois as well......Suffice it to say that in Illinois POLITICS and a computer print out rule.

For example, 3 years ago(I think???), a 60 year old + umpire who had not called a game in 5 years(but kept his certifications and was a mentor to younger umpires) received a regional and sectional assignment.

Several years ago, a umpire was the plate on the regional, sectional and state championships. Not really a problem except the same team won each of those AND he was a local umpire who called MANY regular season games(Serious conflict of interest there!!!!) There is more to this story but I can't go into that right now.

Another fact is that several state championship umpires were selected not because they called High School ball, but because they were buddies with the assigner and called alot of college ball. I'm not taking any thing away from them as they are very good umpires. They just don't meet the minimum H.S. games to be eligible for H.S. Championship Selection.

I could go on......but I better quit before I get myself into trouble.
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