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Old Tue Jun 01, 2004, 02:57pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally posted by gipper
I've been officiating high school softball for about 5 years. Didn't get a playoff game yet, but not a big deal.
So I went to see a game on Monday to see how the other qualified umps work. PU comes out with dusty shoes on, one beat up ball bag, a wristwatch on, and just before the game starts, proceeds to put his cap on backwards. OK not exactly the way I was taught but... He then sets up behind the catcher (not in the slot) and if the catcher moves outside a little he moves with her. He didn't move once to go down the first baseline to view a play during the game. There wasn't really a close call the whole game and it went smoothly. My point new guys work hard for a playoff game and do all the little things and then we see this. Is this common in other states?
Look at it this way: Do you really want to be on the field with a guy who obviously doesn't take pride in his uniform, appearance or mechanics?

Hopefully, your efforts will be noticed and guys like this will have to start figuring out why they are the ones in the stands.

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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