Originally posted by DownTownTonyBrown
Originally posted by Dave Hensley
Originally posted by DownTownTonyBrown
I've heard some umpires talk about making a safe signal to signify that yes he can run. I DISAGREE WITH THIS.
PU giving the safe sign to indicate the 3rd strike was not caught is an NCAA mechanic. At least it was a consistently followed mechanic by all umpires in last year's College World Series, and it was taught by two of those CWS umpires at a clinic I attended last fall.
I assume the mechanic still includes the strike (out) signal for the third strike and then is followed by a safe signal?
And who is this safe signal for? The catcher who already knows he didn't catch the ball and is looking the other way anyhow? The fans who just saw you call an out (strike signal) and then reverse your signal to safe? Why is the umpire calling him safe when he hasn't reached 1st base yet?
Dave, what were the clinicians' justification for the safe signal? It seems contrary to other mechanics.
What signal do you make when a line drive short-hops an infielder? Why do you make it?