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Old Tue May 18, 2004, 10:01pm
DG DG is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
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From 2004 BRD (100)

FED: If a batted ball accidently hits the bat a second time while the batter is still holding the bat and still in the batter's box, the ball is foul.
NCAA: Same as FED.
OBR: Point not covered. OFF INTERP 72-100: Same as FED.

But, you asked a LL question. LL 6.05(g) says the batter is out if the bat hits the ball a second time in fair territory. But this rule does not say whether the bat is still in the hands of the batter who is still in the box. It could have been dropped and makes contact with the ball a second time on the way to the ground. Therefore, this situation appears to me to be not covered by LL, and therefore I would rule FOUL as in FED, NCAA, and OBR (according to OFF INTERP).

Different rulings come when bat is out of hand, or batter is out of box.
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