K's ball 4/12 from R-45. K8 punt is rolling on the R-16 when an IW is blown R76 blocked K84 in the back on the R-22 before the IW.
Ruling given: If penality is declined, the IW during the loose ball dictiates replay of down.
If penality is accepted, the foul negates the IW and results in a PREVIOUS SPOT enforcement.
So am I getting it right if I summarize by saying that (as Bob M. and a couple of different NFHS souces have said) a Team R player MUST gain possession of the ball after a kick in order for Team Possession to be granted to R and for PSK to apply?
That is to say, Team R doesn't automatically gain possession just because Team K kicks it away. PSK doesn't define possession, only the spot of enforcement for fouls.
And that then means that the orginal ruling given was correct but if R *had* reached the ball before the IW then PSK enforcement *would* apply and R would get the ball at the succeeding spot minus the penalty yards.
It that the gist of it?
(P.S.: Maybe it's just me, but I think saying that "the foul negates the IW" is misleading or at least confusing.)