Now, I'm gonna be way in the minority here, but I'm just going by what I was told in an ASA clinic 4 years ago. That runner on 1st base has no right to 2nd. Therefore, she can only commit one way, as far as the LBR goes. She has to go back to 1st. Here's why. We were told to go with the intent of the rule.
1) You can't leave 2 players on the same base, time can't be called until some play(s) occur.
2) We were told that on the LBR, a commitment has to be made quickly. So, therefore, you can't stay on 2nd base and let the blue sort it out. If you call time, you have violated the rules by calling time and taking away the chance for an out from the defense.
3) This one stop thing was discussed and again, we were told that the intent of the rule had to be considered. The intent was to allow a runner to round a base, stop, find the ball and go forward or backward. We were told that if a girl takes enough running steps to a base ( their example was 4 or more steps ) they committed and have to go that way. 3 years ago, Fed came out with the interpretation that the runner could go almost all the way to 2nd, stop and go back to 1st and this was allowed. When I sent this in to ASA, asking how they asked about it, I was told no way. They committed, if they stop after the commitment, they're out. I know ASA doesn't read this way, but this interpretation makes a lot more sense than allowing what happened in your case, or in the one I mentioned above. If you're gonna allow them to do that, why have a LBR at all?
JMHO, but, it's been a whole day since I was told I was wrong, I'm about due.