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Old Wed May 12, 2004, 10:58am
SamNVa SamNVa is offline
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Originally posted by kono
The obvious answer is: Third strike bunted foul - batter out, return the runners.

Sam... what are you up to???
Okay, as most of the old guys on the board can testify to, I like to post "situations" on the board which I call Umpire's Nightmwres because they appear to be complicated but which are usually fairly simple if you app;u the basic rules and ignore all of the red herrings.

In this case, as others have stated, since the batter tipped the ball which was not caught, all you have is a foul ball and since the batter was attempting to bunt with 2 strikes the batter is out and the runners return. Now if she just had not tipped the ball, you would have two runs and a runner on 2nd.

And now to hijack my own thread, suppose the catcher had caught the tipped ball and instead of throwing the ball into right field, she had plunked the batter on the helmet causing the ball to go over the fence?

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