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Old Sun May 09, 2004, 09:57pm
FUBLUE FUBLUE is offline
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Re: Re: Why coaches go bye-bye

Originally posted by LDUB
Originally posted by FUBLUE
Number 2 pulled me over the next day for speeding, going 37 in a 35...ticket was thrown out by chief...the coach even pulled over my brother because he thought it was me (little bro and I look alike, except he's 6'9" and weight 350lbs). Three weeks later had another game with him (he was visiting). He said nothing to me.
First off the game is forfeited if he dosen't leave. This guy really has a problem. If this happned to me, I would notify the local police. This guy is out looking for you. And he is getting your family members involved also. He is out to get you. If I ever umpired another one of this guy's games, he better not say a thing to me because I would toss him. I'm not saying that I would be hoping to eject him. But if he said or did anything that would warrant an ejection I would do it. I would not cut him any slack and ignore it or try to calm him down.
Since this was several years ago, here's the skinny:

1. Coach was asked not to coach anymore...I talked to current head coach, she said the guy was ejected 9 times in 26 games (all levels).

2. HE WAS THE LOCAL POLICE...he took early retirement, and now works in Florida...sorry SWFL!
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