Originally posted by Mark Padgett on 12-30-1999 06:01 PM
When a kid really violates or commits a foul, we feel it is best to call it, then explain it if need be. By calling it, the kid is more likely to remember not to do it again.
With due respect to a much more experienced official, I disagree. At this point, you are into a very grey area where you're trying to decide if a player "really" violates or just "sort of" violates.
I have coached games where I think the refs were trying to apply this type of principle, and it can be very exasperating. The most evident problem is the travelling call. When a ref calls some travels but not others (and it is obvious he is doing it to be "nice" or give the kids leeway), it makes it harder for the kids to learn what travelling is and how not to do it.
Personally, I think it's easier on everyone if the ref just makes the calls.
Just one person's opinion....