Why coaches go bye-bye
Reading this I've thought of all the coaches I've ejected in the past, and why I had to do it.
Number 1: Men's FP (6 years ago): Coach came screaming across the field on an obvious call (obvious even to his brother, who was coaching first base) wanting me to change my call. Coach had his say, started back to third base, then came screaming at me again asking to be thrown out calling me all kinds of names. No choice now, seeing what he said.
Number 2: NFHS FP (8 years ago): As favor to AD, I'm doing a game in my hometown (I'd been out of HS for 3 years). Hometown team, in one inning, went from 7-0 lead when inning started to being down 7-10 when inning ended. I gave his two barks over calls I (and other players) know I got right, but told him he needed to stop running onto the field while play was going on to scream at me about the play. About 1 inning later he did same thing, told me something rude, and I sent him to the parking lot. Noticed he was standing within sight of field, so asked AD to have him go to his car (local police car, may I add). AD refused, said it was good enough. Noticed girls running back and forth to him, for advice on situations. Didn't do anything about it, though. Since AD wouldn't help, didn't really know what to do.
Number 3: NFHS FP(7 years ago): As favor to assignor, gave up a plush varsity game two miles from my house to drive 50 miles for mid-level varsity game. Coach didn't like a pulled-foot call, from across the diamond asks me how the **** could I see it. NO brainer there.
Number 4: ASA FP (last year): Coach used GD three times in 10 seconds, loud enough so that umpires and girls on next field could hear. He didn't even let me throw him out...he just walked to the parking lot.
4 coaches, 11 years...and all of them did "eject themselves." But what about after the ejection?
Number 1 called me the next day to schedule games for a tournament. No problem, I did the tourney and everything was fine (turns out he just wanted to go home--yet three years later he did try to instruct me that plate umpires are supposed to stand directly behind the catcher and be on one knee so they can see the outside corner. WHAT?).
Number 2 pulled me over the next day for speeding, going 37 in a 35...ticket was thrown out by chief...the coach even pulled over my brother because he thought it was me (little bro and I look alike, except he's 6'9" and weight 350lbs). Three weeks later had another game with him (he was visiting). He said nothing to me.
Number 3 never apologized, but his daughter did (she was shortstop during game). He was tossed 4 MORE times that year, and isn't coaching anymore (I wonder why?)
Number 4 apologized immediately after the game..said he was mad at someone else...catcher told me to ignore him..."he's an idiot." Had another game with him that tourney (my third of the weekend) and everything was fine.