10.9 is nice as a starting point, especially if you end up having to argue it with a coach.
However, even with that rule in the book, there is a VERY wide disparity of things allowed/not allowed by various umpires. It can be different from game to game of a doubleheader if the umpires switch spots.
I've seen umpires toss a catcher for the mildest, "SWING" on the first offense. I've seen others allow the catcher to say whatever she wants, constantly all game, without any admonishment from the umpire at all (even after requested/suggested by the batting coach).
If the book (or at least the casebook) would give us some guidelines, we'd at least be closer in our application of this rule. Something like "Catchers may not verbally attempt to distract the batter" or "Catchers may verbally attempt to distract the batter as long as no profanity (or no names, numbers, etc) is used." Anything to give somewhat of a guideline.