Originally posted by wadeintothem
Yes - chatter is a touchy subject. I've been appealed to many times on the "hey batta batta swing" thing in particular.. I dont call that, nor do I consider it unsportsmanlike
If it's coming from an opposing player or coach, you should as it is obviously directed specifically at the batter.
I'm going to disagree with Dakota on this one - as I doubt I would have ejected the catcher. At most a warning to the coach.. AT MOST (if anything at all).
Not overly fond of ejecting a player either, but obstruction is not the call here. It is unsportsmanlike conduct and the penalty for that is an ejection. I wouldn't do so without having warned the coach first.
I'm picturing the situation.. pitcher getting ready to toss the ball.. catcher talking .. batter says "Huh?" and turns her head and gets beaned.
I consider that a "hope you learned your lesson" category. When someone is tossing a missle at you.. pay attention.
Tell them that when they are loading the player into the ambulance. If the father is there, you better be fast on your feet and have the car running.
I agree that players should be responsible for paying attention to the game at hand. I do not agree with coddling the players in the "it isn't fair" blanket with which many parents like to cover their kids.
However, there is no reason, NONE, for a player of one team to address their opponent in anything short of a congenial manner.