Thu Apr 29, 2004, 09:24am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 11
Originally posted by Jimgolf
If you saw my previous uninformed post on the jump stop, please disregard it. A "jump stop" is when a player lands on both feet simultaneously. Whether or not the player can pivot is determined by what his action was when the dribble ended prior to landing. For a good explanation, see the NCAA February, 2004 Men's Basketball Officiating update at: http://www.ncaa.org/champadmin/baske...202update.html
Although this is an NCAA guideline, I think the explanation is clearer than anything else I've seen on the jump stop technique and how the official should determine whether or not a violation has occurred.
[Edited by Jimgolf on Apr 29th, 2004 at 10:06 AM] [/B]
Glad to see some specific guidelines for this call. There have been some raging debates on some of the coaching forums.