Originally posted by Skahtboi
I feel like I am at the first of the HS season with the weather being the way it is. Last night, had a team playing that if they won, they would be in a tie in their district for first place. So you know that they were determined to get this game in. During the second inning, a heavy wave of rain moved in. Fortunately, the home team had a tarp which they quickly got out on the infield. We all waited about thirty minutes for the rains to pass, and proceeded with the game. Got it in, and the team that won will be in a tiebreaker game on Monday. We started the JV almost immediately after that, and just got to the top of the second before lightning and rain forced us to call it off. Now I have lost a college game this morning, and several tournament games tonight and tomorrow. Sigh....
Now, see, that's what ya get for calling in Dallas County. The little tournament I was talking about got a little over 3 inches of rain last night and today. I got a call about 9:45 tonight, they're playing tomorrow starting at 11:00. I'm taking my flippers and snorkel, just in case.