[QUOTE]Originally posted by JRutledge
I am just saying for me it is not "automatic." I do not need to eject anyone to make a point. I think the better umpires realize that as well.
Now Mr. Rutledge, if you are going to use a vidoe as evidence, tell the WHOLE STORY.
First, in the video,"Handle It!", the Minor League umpire, Al Kaplin tells former MLB manager Terry Colins and us all that , "This is not the way you should handle this in amateur games."
He goes on to say that in Professional games, the player, the coach, everyone involved knows WHY the FYC was made.
In our universe, some punk kid will go off on you and now you will also have the coach on you to. Now you have two ejections instead of the automatic felony ejection.
Now, I am not going to sit back and intimate that I am a "better umpire," as you have. Nor will I post me "resume." All I will tell you is that I have worked multiple National events and a good friend of mine who was a crew chief in AAA also tosses EVERYTIME. I think that we both are "pretty good umpires". Obviously my friend is probably better than I.
What I also know is that any time I have had to clean up after spineless jellyfish, it wasn't pleasant.
Finally, exactly what "point" am I making in NOT ejecting the batter who has shown complete disrespect and told everyone how bad the call was?" Would you have as much restaint had he yelled, "That was a foot f***ing outside you idiot!" In my world they are equal.