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Old Wed Apr 21, 2004, 08:21am
DaveASA/FED DaveASA/FED is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 962
What the heck, I'll take a stab at it. How I interperet that is that the force out is called when appealed NOT when it is seen. I think the fact that they specificaly state the FORCE OUT is called, answers that it is still a force out and would nullify the run. Maybe this is just to clarify that the missed base is an appeal play, not an automatic call like it was years ago? JMO, but all that I have ever heard is that it is a force out if you miss a base you are forced to advance to and it is properly appealed, and if that is the 3rd out then no runs can score. This also works for a 4th out situation, you can appeal to get a fourth out in an inning if it is a missed base forced to advance to and that act would nullify any runs scored during the play!
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