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Old Wed Apr 21, 2004, 01:05am
IBHookin43 IBHookin43 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 11
Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by IBHookin43
... I just got a pretty good DVD by a guy that trains NBA players ...
If it's for training NBA players, then it probably uses NBA rules, which for travelling are much different from any other ruleset.
The NBA rules on traveling (see below) don't appear that they? It still appears that first count occurs when he picks up the ball from the dribble with either foot touching the floor. And (g) still indicates that the ball must be passed or shot after picking up the pivot foot before returning it to the floor.

Where is this extra step I keep hearing about???

Section XIV-Traveling
a. A player who receives the ball while standing still may pivot, using either foot as the pivot foot.
b. A player who receives the ball while he is progressing or upon completion of a dribble, may use a two-count rhythm in coming to a stop, passing or shooting the ball.
The first count occurs:
(1) As he receives the ball, if either foot is touching the floor at the time he receives it.
(2) As the foot touches the floor, or as both feet touch the floor simultane- ously after he receives the ball, if both feet are off the floor when he receives it.
The second occurs:
(1) After the count of one when either foot touches the floor, or both feet touch the floor simultaneously.
c. A player who comes to a stop on the count of one may pivot, using either foot as the pivot foot.
d. A player who comes to a stop on the count of two, with one foot in advance of the other, may pivot using only the rear foot as the pivot foot.
e. A player who comes to a stop on the count of two, with neither foot in advance of the other, may use either foot as the pivot foot.
f. In starting a dribble after (1) receiving the ball while standing still, or (2) coming to a legal stop, the ball must be out of the player's hand before the pivot foot is raised off the floor.
g. If a player, with the ball in his possession, raises his pivot foot off the floor, he must pass or shoot before his pivot foot returns to the floor. If he drops the ball while in the air, he may not be the first to touch the ball.
h. A player who falls to the floor while holding the ball, or while coming to a stop, may not gain an advantage by sliding.
i. A player who attempts a field goal may not be the first to touch the ball if it fails to touch the backboard, basket ring or another player.
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