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Old Sun Apr 18, 2004, 08:40am
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Near Dog River (sorta)
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Originally posted by ref18
First of all, thanks for all the suggestions, I'm 17 years old, 3 years of reffing behind me. I work a lot of the rep ball in my area. I've only reffed one game with players who are older than grade 8. In the beginning of the season I saw quite a bit of rec-leauge. I think I did just over 200 games this year.

I've invested quite a bit into my appearance, (patent leather shoes, beltless pants, etc).

The main thing that has me looking back on the season negatively is that I hear that my name is flying around the association in a negative way, because of the way I deal with coaches. This has me looking back on all the altercations I've had over the season, and I think that I've handled them all well and according to the rules, but I'm trying to figure out whether I'm calling too much, or the other people aren't calling enough.
Hey J,

I bet this is frustrating. I've been there myself. Does your board have a mentoring program? If it does, I would make good use of it. See if you can get great refs to come out and watch you - Foxy and belcher are excellent examples. Or even to ref with you... a guy like Foxy could easily ref a grade 8 game with you, while observing you as well. We have them here in KW, and call them "Partner Evaluations".

Also, in regards to the negativity, I personally think it is quite immature of these people to toss around your name like they are doing. I'm guessing that they're adults who don't realize that you're only 17. And although you've been reffing for 3 years, and probably an intelligent 17, you'll find that you will mature /alot/ in the upcoming years.

I bet that the years from 19 - 21/22 will be fantastic for you. You'll have had a number of years behind you to perfect and find your style of mechanics. You'll know the rule and case books inside out (or at least I think by then that you should, if you don't already). You should be in a position to be working solely on issues like game mgmt, flow, dealing with coaches, etc.

As better assignments come along, see if you can work with your mentor, or someone you can trust who will not turn around and bash your name behind your back.
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