Originally posted by Nevadaref
Lastly, I think this was a very interesting question, but I have had a harder time because of my age with other officials, not with the coaches.
I think some of it is jealousy. Many of the local veterans had the attitude that I shouldn't be assigned to certain games because I didn't have enough experience. I found one particular case amusing when a 10-year year guy, learned that I had 8 years, just this past season!
I am not surprised - this happens in every workplace. The young person that advances quickly, or the youthful looking person who has advanced, frequently draew the jealousy of older co-workers, especially those who have ceased advancing. You are a threat.
Again, these are valuable life lessons. Learn how to deal with them on the court and you will be much better equipped for life off the court. Officiating is a hobby, albeit one that pays and one that requires investment of self rather than money. But you can certainly use the lessons in many other situations that can pay quite well.