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Old Fri Apr 16, 2004, 07:48am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by blueump
Its nothing I'm making a big deal over either. I just disagreed with the statement that this is not covered in the FED rule book, because it is. Again, there is no penalty listed in the rulebook, so this is simply a "don't do that" rule.
I should have been more clear in my response. I was answering the question "What's the penalty?" when I indicated "Not covered."

If I thought the coach was trying to get away with something, I'd use the "unsporting behavior" clause. If I thought it was a mistake (JV player brought up, teams use the same uniform styles), I'd just be sure both teams knew.

And, maybe it was just a mistake in the lineup card "1. Abel #21, 2. Baker #21" -- just change Baker's number to whatever he's wearing and go on.

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