Thread: Ejection
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Old Fri Apr 09, 2004, 06:32pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Thumbs down Re: Re: DG

Originally posted by DG

Like I said already, I would have ignored him, both times. You guys act like assistants don't exist but then you want to toss one for making two comments. If they truly don't exist, ignore them. We do see this differently. You guys need to chill a bit, you are way too sensitive.
I know I never said that assistants do not exist, they have a valuable role in the game, but questioning what I do is not one of them. Assistants are their to help their team, not question what I do all day. What if there are 4 assitants on a team, am I suppose to listen to each point of view in order to run my game? If an assistant can pop off, then what do you think a player is allowed to do? There has to be one mouthpiece for a team, and if the assistant wants to run his mouth, then he needs to get assigned the job after the head coach is not availible anymore. But until then, I am only listening to one guy. It has nothing to do with being sensitive, it is not only the way it should be, but the way the rules (at least the levels that I do) make clear how the conduct is suppose to be in the game of baseball. And in the game of basketball which makes it very clear as well, assistants cannot pop off in any of the rules I do as well. Why do you think that is? For argument sake if we just focus on the FED game, it is clear that the committees do not want anyone but the head coach to speak for the team by what all sports that I do seem to say about assistants or bench personnel.

DG, if you are just going to ignore and assistant coach no matter what they say and do, that is definitely your right to do so. But when that assitant coach comes on the field and says something to you and holds up the game, tell me after that happens that you just "turned the other cheek" and ignored him, no matter what he said or did to you? When that coach calls you a name, tell me that you "looked the other way." Not if you are doing your job you are not.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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